
Dongmei Chemical Co.,Ltd.


The reason of uneven red shade on rayon fabric and solution

When printing on rayon fabric, the uneven problem happened all the time especially when it prints red shade on knitted fabrics and green shade might has this problem as well but not as often as red shade.
Usually, people found the uneven problem after washing off and it will be like left/right or beginning/end unevenly, it usually happed on heavy fabric and causes lots of troubles to factory.

As communication with technician, we found they did not use deoxyenzyme. This chemical can quickly remove the residual hydrogen peroxide on the fabric and reduce the washing water. 
Residual hydrogen peroxide in semi-finished fabrics can be detected by Merck’s hydrogen peroxide test paper. The recommended level should not higher than level 2.

How can we fix the uneven red shade problem after washing?

1.    Using Deoxidize enzyme in the pre-treatment process.

2.    When someone found the light color problem, could immediately use 2% PENELON PWC into cool water and wash the fabric after the first washing step then wash again with normal process. We could use 20g/kg PENELON PWC thickener on un-streaming fabric then go streaming process.

3.    Adjust the washing process, reduce the first high temperature washing time and extend the high temperaturewashing time of second tank.

4.    It should have inspection test for each procedure; the problem could be easily founded during the process especially before washing off step. Each tank should keep one handmade cloth and put into the record.

5.    Finally, we suggest the factory to follow/run the completed process not only printing and dyeing as well. It is necessary to check every color tanks when it runs steaming and washing process.


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