
Dongmei Chemical Co.,Ltd.


Resist Agent PWC – Stability of Reactive Printing dyes

Resist printing is one of the methods of reactive printing, some special design or pattern have to use resist or discharge printing to reach the final effect. However, how to choose the suitable dyes for these two printing methods is not that easy.
For color resist process, most factories will use pigment as the design shade but it has some limitations like when full tones design it may occur crocking and handle feeling.
Actually, the printing technicians are looking for the perfect resist agent for reactive dyes. 
Here’s our reactive printing dye’s stability testof resist agent cleantex PWC 3% and everyone could take is as reference. 

1.    Yellow Tone: Reactive Yellow P-6G, P-8G and PE-6G are 30% lighter but hue is notobvious changed.
2.    Orange Tone: Reactive G.Yellow P-RRN-01 and Orange P-2R are 30% lighter but hue is not obvious changed. Reactive Orange PE-GN is 37% lighter.
3.    Brown Tone: Reactive Orange P-4R is 32% lighter and the hue is not obvious change but Reactive Brown P-6R is 80% lighter and the shade is from red brown to yellow brown.
4.    Red and Purple Tone: Reactive Red PN-2B, Red P-4BN-01 and Read P-6B are 35% lighter but hue is not obvious change. Reactive Red PE-8B is 54% lighter and Purple P-RN 133 is 40% lighter the hue is not obviouschanged.
5.    Blue and Navy Tone: Reactive Blue P-3RX is 30% lighter; hue no changed.Reactive Blue P-5R-01 and Navy P-2NG are 40% lighter; hue no changed.
6.    Turquoise Tone: Reactive Turquoise Blue P-GR is 23% lighter; hue no changed. Reactive Turquoise Blue P-G125 is 35% lighter, hue no changed.
7.    Grey and Black Tone: Reactive Grey P-NG and Grey P-NR are 8% lighter, their shade become greenish. Reactive Black P-GR mix is 40% lighter and the shade also becomes greenish.



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