
Dongmei Chemical Co.,Ltd.


Recent Experience in Indonesia

Indonesia is an island country located in Southeast Asia Pacific.It is also well known as thousands of islandscountry. The total population is around 200,000,000 and 90% of their religion areIslamite, only a feware Christian.

Most factories located in suburb area and we found most local people ride motors instead of vehicles because it is more convenient and suitable for their daily life. However, the roads do not have enough traffic lightsand zebra crossings so it is not easy to cross the road safely.

The people we met in local textile industry are basically overseaChinese; they are the second generation Chinese. They told us Indonesian is not allowed to drink alcohol and they use their right hand to exchange name card and eating because they think the left hand is nastiness so they do not pass or touch food with left hand.

Most Indonesia textiles are using cotton, viscose and polyester.  Cotton isthe mainfabric for printing andthe government requests everyone to wear national dress-Batik on holidays.Some families customizes same patternto make clothes in order to highlight their family own feature.Hand-made batik belongs to high-gradefabric; only wealthy class has the ability to purchase.


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