
Dongmei Chemical Co.,Ltd.


Non-Fluorine Treatment - Difference between Oven dry and Air dry

Our PENELON 2202-A is the newwater repellant which is eco-friendly and non-fluorine. 
It is suitable for all synthetic fiber,natural fiber and blended fiber that cover most range of modern garments,outdoors,sports and home textiles.


Water repellant:        PENELON 2202-A    80g/L
Crosslinking agent:    PENELON FEL         15g/L


Pick up:                40-60%(based on different fiber)
Dry temperature:     110℃--130℃
Dry Time:            150 sec.
Baking temperature:    170℃
Baking time:            60 sec

Wash durability experiment:

Wash recipe:            detergent 2g/L
Wash temperature:     40℃
Wash time:            around 55 min

Wash machine setting: 
1)WASH/SPEED:    Normal
3)LOAD ,SIZE:         SmalI

One wash, Air dry 24 hours and then 40℃oven dry 2mins,one hour later water resistance experimentscore 70.
One wash, Air dry 24 hours and then 80℃oven dry 2mins,one hour later water resistance experiment-score 100

Based on above experiment data, oven dry is better than air dry,why?

Case Study:

One company did water repellencytreatment;their requirement is wash and air dry. The water resistance score should reach 80. 

First wash and air dry for 24 hours,testing couldn’t achieve score 80 if air dry for another 24 hours, testing reluctantly achieve score 80.

We found if continuous air dry for 48 hours and humidity is below 60% then it could reach score 80.

However, Air dry testing needs to consider the whole environment conditions.
If the humidity is high, it couldn’t meet requirements but one hour after oven dry,the fabric has small influence by environment,so its water repellency effect is better than air-dry fabric.


Our non-fluorine water repellant PENELON 2202-A belongs to wax seriesand crosslinking agent PENELON FEL could improve wash durability.

When experiment fabric is fully wet wash and air dry,it could meet requirements only depend on environment conditions and time.

Base on users environmentcondition the water repellency effect are different, the air-dry effect has huge differences are unknown.


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